どうしてフィンランドの人々は幸福度が高いの? Why are the people of Finland so happy?
出典元:World Happiness Report
In the United Nations’ Happiness Ranking, Finland has achieved the world’s No.1 position for six consecutive years. Japan ranked 47th, moving up from last year’s 54th position (as of March 20, 2023). [Source: https://worldhappiness.report/
Why is the happiness level so high in Finland? I’m sure many of you are curious to know why. I’d like to explore the reasons from various angles. First, let’s take a look from the perspective of work.
目次 Table of Contents
- ワークライフバランス(Work-life balance)
- フリーアドレスの導入(The introduction of a hot-desking system)
- 男性の育休取得(Paternity leave for men)
- リスキング(生涯学習)(Risking – Lifelong learning)
- まとめ (Conclusion/Summary)
- コロナ以前から在宅勤務3割を実現
ー2023年3月にForbesのランキングで首都ヘルシンキが2位に(1位はコペンハーゲン) - 有休消化は100%
- 毎年平均5週間ほどの休暇を取得
- ⼀⼈あたりのGDPは⽇本の1.25倍
- 法律ではランチタイム20分に加え、午前と午後に各10分のコーヒー休憩が権利として認められている。 出典元:「もっちーの北欧ライフ」
- Achieving 30% Remote Work since Pre-COVID
In March 2023, Helsinki Ranked 2nd in Forbes’ Ranking (1st place: Copenhagen)
- 100% Utilization of Paid Leave
- Taking an Average of about 5 Weeks of Vacation Every Year
- Per Capita GDP is 1.25 Times that of Japan
- In the context of the law, in addition to a 20-minute lunch break, employees have the right to two 10-minute coffee breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Source: “Mocchi’s Nordic Life”
What do you think when you see this? It seems like they have achieved a good balance between work, family, and vacation. If you focus solely on work and neglect household chores, your life can become difficult to manage, and your emotions can suffer as well. If you can’t take enough time off for vacation, you won’t be able to rest your body and maintain good health.
It appears that maintaining a balance between work, family and vacation is a contributing factor to their high level of happiness, as it prevents them from falling into such situations.
フリーアドレスの導入 The introduction of a hot-desking system
席が自由というだけでなく、パーテーションで区切られたエリアや電話ボックスのようなエリア、ビデオ会議用の会議室、ソファエリアなど、業務内容や気分に合わせて選べるように、さまざまな席を設けている企業が増えています。 出典元:ELBORDE by Nomura
Companies are increasingly providing various types of seating options to accommodate different tasks and moods, not just offering free seating. These options include partitioned areas, phone booth-like spaces, video conferencing meeting rooms, sofa areas, and more, allowing employees to choose a suitable space based on their work requirements and preferences.
Source: ELBORDE by Nomura
男性の育休取得 Paternity leave for men
- 8割の男性が育休を取得
- 2023年1月にアンティ・カイッコネン国防相が約2か月の育休を取得
80% of men take paternity leave.
In January 2023, Antti Kaikkonen, Minister of Defense, took approximately 2 months of paternity leave.
It’s surprising that most men are able to take paternity leave. However, it was quite remarkable that the Minister of Defense took a paternity leave of about 2 months, making it the longest paternity leave taken by a male cabinet member. This made it a topic of discussion in Finland.
If the world becomes a place where taking paternity leave, like in Finland, is a common practice:
- Husbands would have more time to spend with their children.
- Wives would be able to increase their work hours.
- Above all, it would be a joyful experience for the children.
It makes one curious about how workplaces have adjusted to facilitate such an environment. It’s something I would like to investigate and examine in the future.
リスキング Risking – Lifelong learning
リスキングとは:「新しい職業に就くために、あるいは、今の職業で必要とされるスキルの大幅な 変化に適応するために、必要なスキルを獲得する/させること 出典元:経済産業省のサイト
- OECDの調査によると、半数以上の人たちが、仕事をしながら、何らかのトレーニングや勉強を実施。
- 2021年に生涯学習に参加した人たちは31パーセント
(スウェーデンの35パーセントに続き、2番目に高い数字 ー Eurostatの調査)
What is “Risking”? It refers to acquiring or enabling the necessary skills to enter a new occupation or adapt to significant skill changes required in one’s current occupation. This information is sourced from the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry.
According to an OECD survey, over half of the people engage in some form of training or studying while working. In 2021, the percentage of people participating in lifelong learning was 31% (the second-highest after Sweden’s 35%, according to Eurostat’s survey).
In Finland, many people actively seek to acquire the skills needed for their work. Even after leaving school, learning doesn’t come to an end; they maintain a curious mindset and continue to pursue and explore new things. What is the source of such an environment? Is it due to a well-established system? I will eventually investigate government support and educational policies as well.
まとめ Conclusion/Summary
- フィンランド人のワークライフバランスは、良好の状態といえる。
- 職場でフリーアドレスを導入している。
- 男性の育休取得率は8割である。
- 半数以上の人たちが仕事をしながらリスキングを行っている。
The work-life balance of Finns is looked upon favorably.
They have implemented a hot-desking system in the workplace.
The paternity leave uptake rate for men is 80%.
More than half of the people engage in “Risking” while working.
In Finland, the work environment appears to be very conducive, which contributes to their high happiness level.
It seems there is a concept of “well-being,” but we will touch upon that later.

From now on, I would like to delve into various aspects of happiness in Finland.
I would be delighted if you continue reading.
[参考] PRTIMES『フィンランド人はなぜ午後4時に仕事が終わるのか (ポプラ新書)』堀内都喜⼦著の紹介文より
[Reference] From the introduction of the book ‘Why Do Finnish People Finish Work at 4 PM?’ by Tokiko Horiuchi, as featured on PRTIMES.