受験生が進路に迷ったらどうする? What should a student do if they are unsure about their career path?


高校3年生の進路の悩み ”Concerns about the career path of a third-year high school  student.”


You’ve been busy with club activities, events, and regular tests all this time. Although you’ve vaguely considered your future, there may be times when you feel troubled when it comes to thinking about going to university

Let me provide you with examples of how to organize your feelings in such situations.

目次 Table of Contents.

進路に迷ったときの、気持ちの整理の付け方 How to organize your feelings when you’re unsure about your career path

1. Write it down to organize your thoughts

2. Research information about universities

3. Seek inspiration from the words of great individuals

4. Consult with teachers, current students, or alumni in your desired field of study

5. Summarize

1.書き出して、頭の中を整理する Write it down to organize your thoughts

It’s common to struggle with finding answers when you’re alone with your worries. At such times, try putting your thoughts into words, whether on paper or on your computer. It can help you organize your feelings more easily. Even though writing down your thoughts randomly can lighten your feelings, a more efficient approach is to try organizing them by each specific topic.

  1. 将来やってみたいこと
    1. Things I want to try in the future
  2. 興味のある分野
    2. Fields of interest
  3. 自分の特技
    3. My skills
  4. 行ってみたい大学
    4. Universities I want to visit


(Example 1)

  1. Artist
  2. Media Art
  3. Web Design, Drawing, Programming, etc.


(Example 2)

  1. Doctor
  2. Medicine (Respiratory)
  3. Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Active Listening, Effective Teaching

Let’s think specifically about what you want to become and the universities you want to attend. It’s okay to have many options, and it’s also fine if you haven’t decided yet. If there is at least one university that interests you, let’s delve into researching it further.

2.大学の情報を調べる Research the information about universities.

  1. 上記の4. について、大学のサイトをすみからすみまで読んでみる。
    Regarding the above point 4, try reading through the university websites from top to bottom.
  2. 上記の1.2.3.それぞれにマッチする学部・学科を選択してみる。
    Try selecting the faculties and departments that match each of the above points 1, 2, and 3.
  3. 興味のあるものから優先順位をつけて選ぶ。(その理由は、次に…)
    Prioritize and choose based on your interests. (The reason for this is that…)

3.偉人の言葉を参考にする Seek inspiration from the words of great individuals

I will introduce the words I found on the web.

何を基準に選ぶか  What criteria do you use to make your selection?

If you choose the things you like, it is likely to lead to a future job and allow you to sustain it for a long time.

  • 高い目標を設定し、日々できること、しなければいけないことを地道にやる。それが苦にならないのは、好きなことをやっているからだ。     イチロー
  • Set high goals and work diligently on what can and needs to be done each day. It doesn’t become a burden, because you’re doing what you love.                                      By Ichiro (Baseball player)


  • 汝の愛するものを仕事に選べ。そうすれば生涯一日たりとも働かなくてすむであろう。                           孔子・論語
  • Choose what you love as your profession. By doing so, you will never have to work a single day in your life.                    By Confucius・the Analects

出典元: 心を輝かせる名言集名言ナビ



When you have thoroughly considered your options and still cannot find an answer, do not hesitate to ask someone else. However, in the end, the final decision should be made by you.

  • Better to ask the way than go astray.
    意訳:聞くは一時の恥、聞かぬは一生の恥       出典元:Toshin.com


  • 「僕はずっと山に登りたいと思っている。……でも明日にしよう」。
    “I’ve always wanted to climb mountains… but let’s do it tomorrow.” You probably will never climb them. -Napoleon Bonaparte (French military leader and politician)


  • あることを真剣に3時間考えて自分の結論が正しいと思ったら、
    “If you have seriously considered something for three hours and believe your conclusion is correct, even if you think about it for three years, the conclusion will not change.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd President of the United States)


  • 熱望することはこの上もなく容易なのに、志すことはなぜ、そんなに難しいのか。
    “Desires are incredibly easy to have, yet aspirations, why are they so difficult? When it comes to desires, what’s necessary is weakness, but when it comes to aspirations, what’s necessary is strength.” -Rudolf Dreikurs (Austrian educator)


  • 不決断こそ最大の害悪である。
    ルネ・デカルト(フランスの哲学者)    出典元:未ら来る 名言・ことわざ
    “Indecision is indeed the greatest of evils.” -René Descartes (French philosopher)

4.先生や志望学科の現役生・卒業生に相談する Consult with teachers, current students, or alumni of your desired field of study

“When your hopes and aspirations start to take shape, consider consulting with teachers at schools or preparatory schools, as well as current and former students of your desired field of study.”

“Furthermore, if you find that your image of the desired field of study aligns with the research, educational content, and atmosphere of the school, it seems like a good choice to pursue that field of study.”

“If it’s around May of your third year of high school, aiming for higher-level institutions in specific fields still seems viable. Around November, you can narrow down your choices of desired schools based on the results of mock exams and the sense of accomplishment you gain from practicing past exam questions.”

“When there is a gap between what you envisioned and reality, it might be worth considering alternative options. To avoid regrets, it’s important to thoroughly research, analyze, and make a decision that you are truly satisfied with. Take your time to investigate and reflect until you reach a point of complete understanding and conviction.”

5. まとめ Summary

・It is advisable to choose your desired university and field of study based on your personal “likes/interests” as much as possible. By doing so, as the words of great individuals suggest, you are more likely to stay committed and it may also lead to future career prospects.

・If it is around May of your third year of high school, you don’t need to worry too much about the level of institutions. However, around November, it would be wise to consider factors such as mock exam results and your actual abilities.


After thorough research and consideration, make a decision on the field of study and the university that you are satisfied with for your applications. If you find it difficult to make a decision, take time to reevaluate your own personality and preferences. Reflect on whether you are truly pursuing what you want and examine if there are any aspects where you may be forcing yourself into a path that doesn’t align with your true desires.

While this was just one example of a solution when feeling lost (or confused) about one’s career path, I hope finding peace of mind brings happiness. I wish you the best of luck!


翻訳家 教育研究家 
